
Friday, August 27, 2004

I have a fan outside of Malaysia

I got a comment from a Mr. Mark Kilmer on the "What the hell are they doing?" segment. It goes some like this:-

It looks to me like they're giving birth to an alien life form.
Mr. Hozair, I happened upon your blog last weekend and becoming a big fan.
Keep cool in Malaysia!

To Mr. Kilmer,
As a fan, I don't know if I should say thank you or feel sorry for you. I didn't expect people to actually read the rubbish I post here. Anyways, if you like this blog, feel free to tell your friends and family about it. And please feel free to visit my sponsors so they can give me money. Malaysian currency with the US Dollar is about 1 USD = 3.8 Ringgit Malaysia. So if I get USD 2, I'll get 7.6 Ringgit Malaysia which I can spend on my Big Mac Value Meal. Yummy......

I would like to apologize to non Malaysian readers as from time to time, I will be using some local language such as the Malay Language and a bit of Chinese. I will try to cater for the foreign readers by giving Malay Language lessons from time to time.

As I have said before, this blog will unite all races and nation. I have made first contact. Soon, the whole world will be reading my blog. Muahahahhaha (evil laugh)

p/s to Mr Kilmer, your webpage seems to be dead. I can't enter.