
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

LOTR Miniquiz

Beng & Ozee Presents:-
Miniquiz Classic's Lords of the Ring Miniquiz
Sponsored by Durex

1. The baddie in LOTR is: -
a) Sauron
b) Boron
c) Ron-Ron

2. "My ...!"
a) Precious
b) Balls
c) Wife

3. Who directed Lord of the Rings?
a) Peter Jackson
b) Steve Jackson
c) Michael Jackson

4. Elrond is:
a) Agent Smith
b) Gay fashion designer
c) All of the above

5. Gandalf the ....
a) White
b) Gray
c) Gay

6. Arwen is ....
a) a hot elven princess
b) a hot daughter of a rock star
c) HOT!

7. The sexiest man in Middle earth is ....
a) Legolas
b) Aragon
c) Gollum

8. The ring is ....
a) worn by an evil entity to control the people of middle earth.
b) a very famous japanese horror movie.
c) worn on the penis to give pleasure to the woman during intercourse.

9. Uruk-hai run to reach their destination bacause ...
a) they do not like horses.
b) they need the cardio excersice.
c) Sami Vellu has not made highways in middle earth because the people do not want to pay tols.

10. What is the name of Aragorn's reforged sword from the shards of Narsil?
a) Anduril
b) Sword of Omens
c) Pedang Sakti Iskandar Zulkarnain

11. What did Frodo and Sam disguise themselves as in Mordor to avoid detection?
a) Orcs
b) Sauron himself
c) Telekom Malaysia technicians

12. What is the name of Lord Sauron's Tower?
a) Barad-Dur
b) Isil-Dur
c) Komtar

13. In the 'Return of the King', who is the 'King'?
a) Aragorn
b) Smeagol-Gollum
c) Elvis

14. The Ring Wraiths are ...
a) Kings who are corrupted by cursed rings.
b) The living dead
c) HR executives who don't get paid enough for their work.

15. Frodo, Sam and Gollum ....
a) are on a quest to destroy "The One Ring".
b) are very small in size.
c) have dated Madonna.

16. Saruman could build his fortress in a short period of time because ...
a) he had a lot of uruk hai working on it.
b) he had very good time management.
c) he got a loan from SBB(Sauron Bank Berhad)

17. The Two Towers are considered ...
a) the heart of Sauron's army.
b) axis of evil.
c) megaprojects which are wastefull to the people's money.

18. Who wrote the literary classic 'The Lord of the Rings'?
a) J.R.R. Tolkien
b) J.K. Rowling
c) Madonna

19. What is Lord Sauron's ultimate goal?
a) To destroy the world of man
b) To look good in a rusty four-pointed party hat
c) To monopolise the local automobile market

20. Who saved Middle Earth?
a) The collective efforts of Hobbits, Men, Elves, Dwarves and Ents
b) Smeagol-Gollum
c) Mahathir

21. What is the title of Bilbo Baggins' book?
a) 'There and Back Again'
b) 'The Ring'
c) 'Kehidupan Seorang Hobbit Yang Melampau'

22. What is Aragon's motivation in life?
a)To be a king
b)To rid of evil in Middle Earth
c)To 'bang' an elven pricess.

23. What is Gandalf's motivation in life?
a)To be the wizard in Middle Earth.
b)To help all who are weak.
c)To be the next prime minister.

24. Who can read elven text?
c)Samy Vellu

25. What do elves do for fun?
a)Throw a party
b)Drink grog and have a swab buckling time
c)Make fun of Sammy Vellu's hairpiece.